Getting the furniture
Last week I got the keys to my apartment, so I started looking for furniture. On Saturday I went to IKEA together with some other Nooglers and we spent six hours there. SIX HOURS. More exhausting than the Uetliberg hiking trip. And I didn't even finish buying all the stuff that I needed.
Among the stuff that I bought was a kitchen table, that they didn't have on stock right then, so they offered to ship it to me later on, for free. I accepted, being in no rush to move to my apartment and I chose the next Monday for shipping. The rest of the things were supposed to be delivere yesterday in the evening, sometime between 6 and 9.
I come to the new apartment excited, but ready to spend a couple of hours here (aka I had my laptop with me). I did some shopping around for some small stuff I still need and explored the two major shops that are close to me. At 8:05 the delivery guys call me and tell me they had some car problems and they won't be able to deliver in that evening, so we rescheduled for tonight, in the same interval.
Then, this morning I got an SMS saying my parcel will be delivered today between 11.02 and 12.02 (yes, they were that precise at that accuracy) and giving me a number for any questions I had. Of course I had the question "Can I reschedule so it's not during my working hours?". I tried calling the number, but it went to a robot answering machine. Getting past the first question was easy. I had to choose between german, french and italian. But after that "Ich weiss nicht".
So I went to work and I found a german colleague and asked him for help. He managed to get to the point where you wait for a human being to pick up, but after 5 minutes no one answered and we went to our bussiness. After 20 minutes, I found another german colleague and we did the same thing again. After 12 minutes of waiting we gave up.
Having no other choice, I left work at 10:35 so I could get to the apartment in time. At 11:20 my interphone rings, I open the door and I start going down. I see some guy leaving a nice package at the bottom of the stairs, but by the time I get down, he's gone. I look at the package, it has my name on it, so I go outside to look for the delivery man, but he is gone, without at least confirming that hey, I gave this to the right guy or having me sign anything.
Luckily, the package was not heavy and I could carry it upstairs myself easily. But this was the first weird experience here in Switzerland.
But, while waiting for the delivery of the rest of the stuff, this evening, I have managed to assemble my first piece of furniture, the table:

Yaaaay. Buy my apartment is suddenly full, with all the new boxes I just got. Unfortunately, I will probably have to work a month to get all the stuff assembled. Any volunteers to help me out? :D I'll get cookies... or really good Lindt Chocolate :D