Hanz Zimmer Live on Tour

Hanz Zimmer, a composer for many movie soundtracks, has gone for the first time on a tour. He started off on the 6th of April in London and he will finish on the 16th of May in Sofia. And, more importantly for me, he was in Zurich on Monday. I had seen some billboards for the concert, but I never really considered going, until on Monday a colleague was selling his ticket because he was sick. So, I decided to buy it from him and go for the first time in my life to an orchestral concert.

And it was tremendous fun. It was really great to hear the soundtracks of Sherlock Holmes, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Amazing Spiderman 2, The Dark Knight, Interstellar and Inception. These were the ones that I knew (and loved), but there were plenty of others too: The Lion King, Gladiator, Man of Steel, Madagascar and so on.
The scores were slightly edited, to be a bit more heavy on the drums and electric guitars, and in my amateur opinion, too heavy on them. But I could still enjoy them.

Unfortunately, when introducing songs, he spoke in German. Luckily, not Züritüütsch (the local dialect), but High German, so if I payed a lot of attention, I could understand maybe 50%. From what I gathered, he gave a lot of tribute and thanked a lot of his colleagues. He also reminisced to how some of the movies scores were created.

I find it interesting how they played with light. During more quiet times, they used light to draw attention to only the players who were actually doing something, while the others shuffled around or came on stage. At some point they started flashing different colors very fast. I don't know how the singers managed to still sing properly. I had problems concentrating, and they had to read the notes and play them. I find it very interesting how these people have this drive to do these amazing things and I am interested to find out how could I maybe learn to do something similar.
I enjoyed my first orchestral concert a lot and I hope I will go again soon. And I hope to get better seats next time. But I can't complain now for a last minute acquisition.

Grade: 8