50 Days of Roland

50 Days of Roland

For a long time I wanted to do the kind of video where you take one photo every day and then you show make a slideshow of them, like this one. Today is the day where it finally happened, even if it contains only 50 days worth of data!

The images are from the 1st of May until the 17th of July. I usually took two pictures every day, one in the morning and one in the evening. But I also travelled a lot, so I don't have photos from every single day.

What gave me the incentive to finally do this project was that I wanted an easy way to track my mood, to see if it was finally getting better (yes, it got better) and I was too lazy to track it in an app, so I decided to use my face as a proxy for it.

I did the alignment of the photos manually. It took only about 2 hours for 82 pictures. I had to do it manually because I wanted to make sure that the left eye is always in the same position, with the right eye being as close as possible. While I did use a tripod, sometimes I moved it, so I had to zoom in/out in the photos and other I had to rotate a bit.

Two things stand out for me when looking at the time lapse:

  • I have too many dark colored T-shirts, I should get more light ones.
  • I need to do something with my hair, because there's a high unintended   variance in the resulting styles (read: how I woke up that day). Any   sug­ges­tions? The biggest problem is that I usually don't notice it until it's   too late, for example until I have to run to catch the train.