I believe I can fly!

I believe I can fly!

About a month ago I started believing I can fly, so I proved it by going for a gliding session. A glider is a light­weight plane, which doesn't have an engine, so it's pulled by another plane until it takes off. After that, you glide through the air, like an eagle, looking for thermals which lift you up. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, it was a too nice day, with no clouds, so we didn't find any good thermals, so my flight was quite short. But it was still nice to see Uetliberg from above :D And I piloted the plane for about 5 minutes :D

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure to go do a paraglid­ing basic lesson \:D/ Where you get to fly around for a little while. It was super tiring. All the morning we were just running around, to learn how to raise the paraglider up correctly and only in the afternoon did we actually get to fly. But it was soooo awesome!!!!

Of course, I won't rob you of the outtakes (I'm fine mom, I survived):