The iron path

After a half year break, the little band of hikers from our church decided to do some via ferrata routes, in the Vadu Crișului and Șuncuiuș area.
I’ve wanted to go on Via Ferrata hikes for a long time. I first heard of them when I moved to Switzerland, but somehow I never got around to going on them until now.

We rented the equipment from Ovi in Vad and we went on our way. We started with the medium difficulty route from Vad. It took us about 40 minutes. For me, being a beginner, the first part was a bit difficult, until I got the hang of how to move the carabiners around more efficiently.

Half of our group decided to go on the more difficult route as well, while the other half (including me) waited for the others at the top. We enjoyed the view, talked about life and I went about 3 times on the other routes harness. The first time all of us went, the second time I was bored, then I wanted someone to film me.
When we were all together again, we went to Suncuius, where everyone said it’s the easiest route. Liars. All of them. The route might be only 40m, but half of it is vertical climbing.

But, close to the top, someone installed two hammocks in a small cave. Best idea ever! It was sooo nice to take a break swinging, while enjoying the view.
I can’t wait to go again on the iron path!