How Much Does It Cost To Run This Blog?

The current meme/trend/fad blog post topic in my blogroll is about how much it costs to run a personal blog.
So here are my costs per month:
Service | Monthly Costs |
Domain name | 1€ |
VPS hosting | 5.95$ |
DigitalOcean backup | 1.19$ |
Total | ~7.31€ |
Initially, I bought the domain name from a Romanian registrar. Back then it was for life. I payed something like 30 euros for it. But 3 years ago, the powers that be decided to bring the .ro
TLD to more "modern" standards and to have you pay yearly. I paid in advance for 10 years, 12 euros per year.
I have the smallest VPS from DigitalOcean to run my blog. I have another droplet which runs some other things, but I don't count that here. I also use their DNS hosting, which is free.
I also use their droplet backup service, which is 1 euro + VAT. It's the simplest form of backup and I should probably set up some higher level exports from Ghost to back up my posts.
I see that both Jan-Lukas and Kevin use a CDN. I haven't thought about using one so far, because I've been happy with performance so far. Serving static sites is really cheap. However, if I land on HackerNews again, I might need it...
Otherwise I use free tools to write my blog. Because I enjoy blogging, I also don't consider the countless hours sunk into this as a waste :)
I’m publishing this as part of 100 Days To Offload - Day 24.