Blogging in 2024

I've been blogging for 14 years now. I started off writing in Romanian, while I was in highschool. I credit writing all those posts with helping me get a really good grade at my Romanian exam at the end of high school.
Then in university, I wrote a lot mostly about school stuff: my blog was really popular with my class mates, and even the professors started mentioning it now and then.
After I moved to Switzerland, I used the blog as a way to let my friends know what I was up to. I blogged a lot about where I went and I what I did.
After I moved back to Romania I still kept posting various things, peaking during the pandemic when I wrote a record of 62 posts in 2020.
But then I started posting less and less, writing 6-7 posts per year. And it's not just the frequency that has dropped, but the content: in the last 2 years, I barely wrote about about personal stuff.
In a weird way, I find myself reticent to expose a lot of information online. I've been posting mostly about programming and very little about me, even on Facebook or Twitter. I recently listened to Mary Harrington talking about Digital Modesty and it resonated a lot with me. I don't really want to share online what's going on in my personal life, neither here nor on social media.
So what's next for my blog? Well, I still plan to write on my blog. I actually have several ideas for posts, but I think they will be more different than before. The programming ones will definitely continue, but there will also be other things that I've learned in various aspects of life or just random philosophical and Christian meditations that I do. Also, the short TIL posts will continue, because they are very useful for me. But expect much fewer things about rolisz. So, my dear 55 email subscribers and 60-ish RSS subscribers, if that doesn't sound interesting, no hard feelings if you unsubscribe, thanks for following me so far!