My next steps
In November I quit my job as the tech lead of the machine learning team at Archive360. Starting December 1st I am looking to provide my services as a machine learning consultant.
In November I quit my job as the tech lead of the machine learning team at Archive360. Starting December 1st I am looking to provide my services as a machine learning consultant.
I don't think many people noticed, but I haven't written a new post in almost three months and my last post was not too meaty (a campaign poster and a call to action). Was ist los mit Roland? The biggest thing that happened was that con
After 3 years and 5 months at Google, time has come for me to move on to my next adventure. Yesterday was my last day at Google. I will be moving back to Romania, where my wife still has one year of university left. On one hand, I'm
Yay! With the Lord's help, I have survived my first oncall shift at work. It was quite busy, at times quite stressful, but it has been a good experience to learn to trust in the Lord! The following Bible verse has been very encouraging during
Yay. My first „job”. Și s-o gătat. Yay. Vacanță. Din păcate, nu pot să savurez atât de mult cât îmi doream dormitul dimineața, pentru că mă doare spatele. Dar măcar pot dormi de amiază :))) A fost fain la internship. Am învățat multe chestii noi. Ruby. Rails. O țâr de Coffe