Good bye, Alida

I’ll miss your funny quips. I’ll miss the long discussions we used to have about about the craziest topics (like the differences in mentality between people who are interested in the humanities versus the sciences). I’ll miss going to eat greasy, yummy food with you (Chez Papa was reeaaallly good. And just as unhealthy). I’ll miss your encouragements. Even though you had leukemia and had been through an awful lot of suffering, you still had the energy to lift others up and give them advice.
You were a brilliant girl, who turned many heads and then put them in their proper place. In just 22 years of life, you’ve achieved many things. Your lot in the last three years hasn’t been an easy one, but you made it, and now you’ve earned your rest. You are with your Lord and you won’t suffer any more. No more neuropathies, no more headaches, no more bone marrow extractions, just the blissful presence of Jesus!
The rest of us who are still here, we’ll miss you and we’ll remember you.
Good bye, Alida dear!