Drei Jahre in der Schweiz

Three years ago today I started my job at Google. I had moved to Switzerland two days before, with two suitcases and a backpack. Then followed a lot of adventure.
The third year was different. I started learning Swiss German, so that I can better integrate and it payed off: I am no longer completely clueless as to what Swiss people speak around, I am only mostly clueless.
I also got married to the most beautiful, loving and kind girl in the world, Roda, who happens to be an amazing cook as well!
I also just did my 100th flight two days ago. I have flown more than 150000 kilometres in the last three years, visiting 16 countries.
I've made deeper friendships, both here in Switzerland and abroad. I enjoyed exploring Israel with some of them, I've learned how to play the piano from others, while others have been the encouraging voice to strengthen me in my walk with the Lord.
Looking back, I think it was a year where I was tested to see if I did learn anything the previous year. Some situations resembled what happened a year before that, sometimes eerily so. Sometimes, I failed. Other times, I believe I came out better or faster, through the grace of God.
I step into the next year, now walking with a companion for life by my side, but still aiming to run the race, to fight the good fight and to love and serve my Lord with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all my strength.