2018 in Review

2018 in Review

In 2018 I finally managed to buck the trend of writing fewer and fewer posts: I wrote 22 posts, just like in the previous year! That's a bit less than what I would have liked (at least two a month), but personal life keeps getting busier and busier.

The number of sessions continued dropping, by almost 30%, down to 10000. Pageviews dropped a bit below 20000, but session length grew by 6%.

The day with the most pageviews was the 1st of February, with 369 views, when I posted about leaving Google. The second most popular day was October 17, after I posted about our trip to Hong Kong, when I had 285 page views.

My most popular page remains the same: the neural networks one. From this year, the most popular one was the one about leaving Google, with 442 views, followed by the Synology and Docker one, with 379 views.

I hope I will manage to get an increase in numbers next year. I have quite a few ideas, so I hope I can write more blog posts, both more fun ones and more technical ones, and who knows, maybe I'll even have a guest writer :)